
Sunday School classes meet from 8:45-9:45 a.m. on Sunday mornings during the school year (Labor Day to Memorial Day).

May 12th Sunday School Program

There will be a day of celebration on Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 12. We have the joy of our Sunday School students sharing the things they have learned throughout the year for our worship service. Songs, instruments, and words will lift up Creation, the Old Testament stories, Prayer …
We will also acknowledge and bless graduates on this Sunday.
On this day we will honor all women. The heart of a mother may have a dream of a child fulfilled, while others wait, or do not receive, or have their child removed for their safety, or release their child to the eternal embrace of our Heavenly Father, or … recognizing that this day may hold a variety of emotions for mothers, we are grateful for the many and various women who offer that role for children. Just as it may hold many emotions for women, it may for the children, too. We pray for healing and hope for those who hurt on this day. We cherish the beautiful blessings that God provides in many and various ways of His ever abiding love.
To be sure, this day is full! But what Christian mother does not want to see her child proclaim faith in our Lord, Jesus Christ?! And so, they shall. What mother does not want to celebrate the academic achievements of their child? And so, they shall! Sounds like a great gift! Come, prepared to sing! Consider bringing lots of change for the noisy offering that the children will gather. And receive a gift of love from the children as you leave the worship service. Following the service, there will be a picnic of hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, and ice cream sundaes. Refreshments served by our Sunday School.
The Sunday School and Confirmation will conclude on this day for the academic year. Thank you to all the teachers, musicians, Parish Ed. Director, parents and students for your help in fulfilling the Baptismal promises made.

Sunday School Elementary-Aged Classes

These classes follow their own curriculum including Bible stories, crafts, music, games, and other activities.

Sunday School Bible History

The class works their way through the Bible looking at all the different stories and how they can apply them to their everyday lives.

Junior Lutherans Youth Group

The Junior Lutheran class is for students in fourth, fifth, and sixth grades. They meet on Wednesday nights at 6 p.m., during the school year at Diane Hummel’s home. Supper will be served at 6 p.m. Class starts at 6:30, and the students are ready for pick up by 7:30. 

Confirmation Classes

The Confirmation class is a two-year long class that is held on Sunday mornings from 8:45-9:45 a.m., and Wednesday nights from 6-7:30 p.m., during the school year at Diane Hummel’s home. The students learn the commandments, creeds, and prayers, and study the small catechism while preparing for their affirmation of baptism.

Luther League Youth Group

The high school students meet periodically throughout the year. The Luther League completes mission projects, serves the Thanksgiving Eve Fellowship, leads the Easter Sunrise Service, and prepares and serves the Easter Dawn Breakfast. The group also plans special social outings where they can join together in their faith, fellowship, and fun.

View more Sunday School photos on our Facebook Page.